Archives for February 2018

Real Glen Erin at Lancefield Wedding: Crystal & Marc

The two first met during an afternoon of lawn bowl in Sydney and then a year later at a friend’s birthday in Melbourne. Marc proposed at the esteemed Atlantic restaurant in Southbank with only a diamond to give his future wife creative freedom with the setting (aww!) Picturing a relaxed and elegant wedding, they celebrated […]

The top 5 reasons to get married in Myrtle Beach

As couples plan for a lifetime of sharing a home and building a family together, getting married and officiating their union falls among some of the key steps to marriage. Wedding planning can be stressful, tiring and difficult to coordinate the different events for the day, but with the right consultation, some minor details can […]

Should You Ask for Money as a Wedding Gift?

When you are getting married, there are many different things that you have to sort out. This is a time where you have to be on the ball, properly organized, and ready to face the stresses of organizing such a big event. Another thing you have to think about is the gifts you will receive […]

How to Pack Your Luggage for Your Honeymoon

The immediate pot wedding period is the most exciting part of the relationship- when you are all done with the stress of the wedding and can finally spend some quality time with your partner. Honeymoon is the perfect time to finally relax and be in your own cocoon. Therefore, you need to plan ahead and […]

7 Ways to Choose the Perfect Wine for Your Wedding

Wedding happens only once between couples in general scenarios, a reason which is enough to highlight the importance of water-tight arrangements. There are various arrangements which have to be made, but one of the most difficult ones is the choice of wine. Wine might make the mood of your guests; it might spoil their moods […]

When Two Become One: A Guide To Cross-Cultural Weddings

Pixabay Everyday life is becoming a lot more diversified these days as more and more cultures are coming together in our cities. And one great result of all this diversification is that more people are marrying into different cultures from their own. When two people from different cultures or countries come together, it is a […]

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