The Best Foods To Eat On Your Wedding Day

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day and it starts with the foods you put in your body. Last week we talked about the worst foods to eat, so naturally today is all about foods that give you glowing skin and make you feel good on the inside and out.

Glowing Skin

Mix chia seeds in your oatmeal or a natural fruit shake, or sprinkle them on your salad on your big day. These little black seeds are the highest natural source of omega-3s, and when your cells are nourished, your skin glows.

Staying Hydrated

Not getting enough fluids can leave you feeling lethargic. Tropical Fruits are a natural hydrators. Melons, papaya, and mangos are especially good because they also contain potassium, which helps regulate your body’s balance of fluids and minerals. Cut a cantaloupe in half, scoop out the seeds, and fill with sliced papaya or mango for a quenching treat.

Ease Water Retention

Waking up with puffy eyes can make you look less than photogenic and swollen feet can keep you off the dance floor. You can trick your body into letting go of excess liquid by eating natural diuretics, such as salad.

All-Day Energy

A great way to kick off your big day is with a bowl of oatmeal. You will be fueling your body with food that lets blood-sugar levels rise slowly and stay even for a long period of time.

Lastly, if your looking for a hotter wedding night, consider snacking on some oysters during the champagne toast. Oysters are packed with the mineral zinc, which apparently works as a libido-enhancer 🙂


Photos courtesy of Taste Spotting,, my recipes, and food channel.

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