The wedding planner chronicles – how do you calculate your wedding budget

Have you dreamed of a wedding with many flowers, good music and a dress you shine in? Very good! Now let’s get to the pragmatic things: the wedding budget. Because no matter how much I would like to tell you that you will have everything for your wedding, you know it is not the case. According to, this is the most important part of your journey. In the first counseling sessions with the wedding planners, they take the wedding budget to a minimum. I recommend you do this too. You can choose one of the following 3 strategies:

  1. Initially estimate a total budget and then divide it into services and products.
  2. Propose a maximum budget per guest, add the cost of each service and product and then divide it into the number of guests.
  3. Set the amount you want to spend on each service or product, starting with the food and drink menu and then doing a total.

Whichever strategy you choose, remind yourself constantly that the highest amount to be allocated for the wedding is for food and drink. That’s why it’s important to choose the location of the wedding according to objective criteria.

Location of the wedding

Of course, no one stops you from choosing the location of the wedding and even the rest of the services and products for the great event. Ideally it would be to initially set up the destination of the wedding. What do you propose to get from the wedding budget:

  1. WOW Wedding.
  2. A party for you two and your loved ones.
  3. An event from which to profit.

In short, if you choose to have a WOW wedding, you will automatically invest more money in the wedding decoration. If you choose a party with your loved ones, probably food and drink will be at the forefront. And on the last category I think it’s self-evident that you will seek to get the best price at all that is necessary for the wedding.

How much money do you need before the wedding?

After you split the wedding budget, you can start planning your spending. Start by recording advances to all services and products. These vary between 20-50% – excluding menu costs. Typically, an advance of between 1,000-4,500 euro is paid at the time of booking and the menu and / or drink is paid after the wedding.

If you want to get rid of some post-wedding expenses, either to make money for your honeymoon, or just because you choose to redeem your savings, then you can ask suppliers to stipulate a higher amount of advance or multiple payment installments, so you can pay the service (almost) entirely until the wedding.

In addition to advances, consider that everything related to wedding dresses, from dress, costume to accessories, hairstyle and makeup, pay before the wedding. You know – before you open the envelopes. Find out more.

Priority suppliers and their weight in the wedding budget

Okay, maybe you do not know exactly how much money to allocate to each service. Stay calm. Most brides do not know from the beginning.

All you have to do is first establish what services and / or products are the most important to you and your fiancĂ©. For some couples, the location is important. For others, memories, and for others the outfits. I recommend that you think well about the priorities and allocate the budget in line. Leave aside “what the world says” and “what is done” in this phase. Decide with your partner how objective you can, what will you give the most money at the wedding.

I know it takes a bit of the euphoria and the enthusiasm of this event, but it is necessary. The sooner you pass through it, the better you will be. If you review the wedding budget during your preparations, you will be even less stressed. I want a lot of spirits and good calculations. But more importantly, I wish you to feel good and enjoy every stage! This is the best way to get the most out of your wedding, stress free, and then enjoy your happy event.

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  1. Great blog and very informative
    thanks for sharing

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