Archives for February 2016

Gifts She’ll Love This Valentine’s Day

Even if the woman in your life raises an eyebrow and gets that sarcastic look on her face whenever she sees men giving women the overdone red roses and chocolates on Valentine’s day, it is safe to say that she would still appreciate a gift on this day if it spoke to her. Finding the […]

Prep For The Big Day With Yoga

As you know I’m a huge fan of yoga. This full-body sequence will get you wedding day ready both physically and mentally. You’ll be stress-free and ready to enjoy your wedding day feeling toned and confident. Downward Facing Dog Begin on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be underneath your shoulders, and your knees […]

Chewy No Bake Granola Bars

I’m always on the look-out for a great granola bar recipes. Not only are the easy to make, but there are great gifts to give at weddings and great snacks for during the week. I was really excited to come across this recipe from The Big Man’s World because its chock full of nuts, dried fruit, […]

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