Superfoods to try in 2015!

2015 should be the year of trying something new! Simple additions to your current diet can give you a healthy start to the new year and getting wedding day ready. I started eating chia seeds and wheat berries a few years back and I’m so glad I did! You can find any of these items at your neighborhood health foods store and start experimenting with them… you’ll thank me later! 😉

Here are my top 3 foods/alternatives everyone should try:

Coconut sugar– Although coconut sugar is not a super food, it offers more vitamins and minerals then white sugar and is a great alternative to other sweeteners. The added benefit of coconut sugar is the reduced spike in blood sugar, which is good news to people with Diabetes! Add it to coffee, tea and your baked good, but keep in mind you don’t want to over indulge.

Chia seeds– Chia seeds come in black and white seeds and are a great source of healthy omega-3 fats. It’s easy to add to your diet and a great way to get additional fiber. I add chia seeds to my smoothies, but you can also add it to oatmeal, yogurt, and salads.


Wheat berries–  Wheat berries are a true whole grain and are really easy to prepare. They look like thick, short grains — similar to brown rice. You can grind them, boil them and even grow them like sprouts. You can read up on the benefits and ideas on how to eat them by visiting the food network blog. Make sure you try them in soups, salads, and oatmeal!


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