Crazy About Non-Floral Centerpieces

I’m crazy about a lot of things, but today I’m crazy about non-floral centerpieces! If your allergic to flowers, on a budget, wanting to style your wedding without a ton of flowers, or wanting to make your centerpieces meaningful to you then non-floral centerpieces are the way to go!

We all know flowers show off elegance and sophistication, but you can still get that look with non-floral centerpieces. Check out this candle centerpiece I found on Platinum Touch Events, you still have the elegance and sophistication and the best part is you can do this centerpiece on a budget!

I love this simple book centerpiece I found on Off Beat Bride. You have the perfect combination of vintage and simplicity. Why do I love this idea so much? It’s a big time saver and your budget will love you. All you need is ribbon, books, a candle, and a few pieces of candy.

Another great centerpiece I found on Off Beat Bride will have all you crafty people (me included) running to Micheal’s to buy yarn. These yarn centerpieces are one of the easiest DIY projects and will be the perfect alternative to flowers.

Leave it to Martha Stewart to make you swoon over a centerpiece! 🙂

I love, love, love these vase centerpieces designed by our very own Dylan List member, Cloud 9 Weddings & Papers. The couple wanted something meaningful in each vase and the creativity flowed into something very one-of-a-kind!

You can check out more of the vases HERE.

For all those candy lovers… We have the perfect centerpiece for you! I adore this antique inspired centerpiece from Life of a Vintage Lover and your guests will adore it too!

Combining cranberries, rosemary, cotton balls, and candles this fall inspired centerpiece via will knock your socks off! How can you not LOVE this centerpiece? Its perfect.

These are only a few non-floral centerpiece ideas and you can check out a few more HERE and HERE!

Happy Planning!

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