3 Tips for Discovering Your Own Style

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Have you ever noticed how significant things like fashion and personal style are in shaping our sense of identity?

Throughout history, and from cultures around the world, there have been sayings along the lines of “clothes make the man (and woman),” and even though we all know not to judge a book by its cover, we still find ourselves experiencing everyday life quite differently depending on how we dress and style ourselves.

At the end of the day, everyone wants to discover their own unique style that is flattering while simultaneously being authentic. But, of course, discovering your own style is something that will inevitably take a bit of trial and error, and effort.

Here are a few tips and suggestions for discovering your own style.

Dare to experiment with different looks

So, first and foremost, discovering your own style requires you to actually be bold and daring, to confront your own self doubts and insecurities, and to experiment with different looks that might currently be outside of your comfort zone.

It might be that a particular dress or accessory that you thought you could never pull off ends up actually really flattering your figure and feeling “just right.” Or, maybe, a particular look that you thought would be just right for you doesn’t seem “just right” when contrasted with something else.

You simply have to try on different outfits and shrug off your insecurities from time to time if you want to truly discover your own style. Try out that pair of Versace glasses, and strut your stuff. See how it turns out.

Stay curious, and pay attention to the styles you observe in everyday life

They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery – and it’s normal that when we are trying to discover our own unique style, we might first go through a process of basing our aesthetic on celebrities and public figures, for example.

If you really want to move things to the next level, though, and to discover and expand your own style beyond the level of imitation, you need to keep your eyes open and to look for the thematic commonalities between different styles that you admire.

In other words, stay curious, observe people’s dress sense when out and about, page through fashion magazines, and refine your eye.

Boost your confidence and adjust your perspective by getting fit

Starting – and sticking with – a regular workout routine is often one of the best practices you can undertake if you want to boost your overall sense of confidence, and to shift your view of yourself in a positive direction.

Everyone is prone to insecurities from time to time – and you obviously don’t need to be in peak athletic condition in order to feel good about yourself. But, getting fit is still an excellent way of breaking down your own psychological stumbling blocks, engaging in some “self reinvention,”  and simultaneously improving your overall sense of well-being due to things like the release of endorphins during workouts.

If you need a bit of confidence and perspective in order to drive your style odyssey, hitting the gym could be a great idea.

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