Groomsmen Style Slip-Ups

Sometimes, the disaster is in the details. Such is the life of a wedding. It takes the sort of planning some people can never achieve. Nothing that happens at a wedding is an accident, and that is done by the people behind the scenes.

Even if you aren’t doing the heavy lifting of the wedding planning, there are still details that would be best handled by the groom.

You may not be picking the color scheme, but making sure all of your groomsmen are in those colors can be all you. The details that would be best taken care of by the groom are sometimes easily forgotten.

At the very least, this list can help you cover some details that may have gotten overlooked, and can help ensure the wedding party is the picture perfect group you want it to be.

  1. Matching the Party

Whatever your color scheme, the most essential aspect is that your wedding party is a flawless execution of said colors. 

Whether the color match is found in entire suit panels or in a single bowtie, make sure your men are squared away in the color match department.

Most gowns come with extra swatches of fabric for this exact purpose. Make sure to get a swatch for the desired suit, tie or other customized elements to be made the correct color.

Tailors will know what to do with the fabric, just nail down finding the color swatch and knowing what part of the suit it’s for.

For style inspiration and refining, check out Gilt. It’s an app that helps curate sophisticated mens’ style, tailored to you. The perfect place to start suit searching.

  1. Shoe Style

Shoes are another outfit ruiner, if not explicitly covered beforehand. 

Some off the wall weddings may require electric green custom dress shoes that would likely steal the show, but that is not the only time they matter. 

All weddings need dress shoes and it is not wise to leave it up to your bros. Let them know what style, cut and colored dress shoe will fit your event’s aesthetic. 

Sending pictures in the group chat can usually get the job done, but sometimes not nailing down specifically why that picture works can lead to miscommunication.

Freshen up your shoe skill with the Tie’s Ultimate Men’s Dress Shoe Guide. This guide explains the exact differences and definitions of the knots, lacing, style and everything else you could imagine that comprises a shoe.

  1. Matching Accessories

Other outfit essentials can also be synchronized or matched if the bride and groom so wish. This can be things like ties, cufflinks, tie clips, handkerchiefs or other accessories. 

Matching ties for the group are always a win, and browsing the options can be overwhelming. Check out Bows-N-Ties for styles that cover a wide range of options, and can help you reign in an idea.

Cufflinks, tie clips and other small accessories tend to be less personable, but there are still many styles and colors that you may want to pick from for your groomsmen. 

There are plenty of great kits that can provide all the detail accessories; they can be ordered for the whole party to ensure they all fit the theme. 

One of my favorites is the kit from Groomsmen Gift Ideas that has all the metalware in one place, customizable with initials.

Handkerchiefs are about as difficult to choose as ties, so try matching them to the existing theme and using color swatches from the planning. 

You can also order selective and unique handkerchiefs that will add flair to the bridal party.

  1. Hair Expectations

Maybe you’re assuming that one friend from college would know to get a haircut before a wedding. That may, however, be too much credit and could end with a groomsmen having more flowing hair than your bride. 

Though many men have figured out their tried and true hairstyle, if you have people in your groom party that tend to shake things up or perhaps not do anything at all, make sure everyone is looking prepped and primed on the day of. 

When picturing your big day, it can help to mention desired head and facial hair styles to help achieve the right tone for your wedding. Figuring this out and communicating it to your men will ensure that everyone is content day-of, and will leave little to go wrong. 

Whether you expect everyone to be clean shaven or you love your BFF’s rugged five-o-clock shadow, make sure to tell everyone what you expect well before the big day. 

In case, however, it may be convenient to have a trimmer on hand to tidy up or change any non-listener’s style.

  1. The Changing Plan

Lots of weddings have outfit changes, and it doesn’t have to be exclusive to the bride. More and more weddings have bridal parties changing into different clothes after the initial ceremony. 

If that is something you’re comfortable with, make sure to discuss it ahead of time. Figure out what types of clothes you’d expect if they abandoned the tux, and run it past the planning committee. 

Tell your boys the final verdict, and be specific. Whether they have to be changed into light wash jeans or absolutely can NOT wear hunter green, make sure those rules are well articulated. 

If you want them to have a specific look, once you find what that is it would be helpful to share pictures to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Groomsmen are typically considered to have a much lighter load, but that doesn’t omit them from being a team player. 

Ensure your team wins best dressed by covering all of these details well before the big day, and it will be sure to make the wedding party one that is in the best possible shape.

The danger is in the details, so hopefully this article helped you think about these and other important groomsmen details while planning it will help ensure the smoothest groom job ever.

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