Why Vaping Is Safer Than Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking has claimed the lives of many people for a long time now. It has been linked to many diseases, making it dangerous for anyone’s well-being. Many countries have put more effort into educating the public on the dangers of smoking and why people should stop the habit. Signs and warnings have also been labelled on the cigarettes themselves about the risks. It is astonishing that even though much effort has been put to stop people from smoking, many are continuing with the act. Cigarettes are very addictive because of a substance found in them known as nicotine. Nicotine is not harmful and can be found in tea and vegetables like tomatoes and potatoes. What makes cigarettes dangerous are the many other toxic chemicals found in them. E-cigarettes have been a main topic for some time now. Many things, both positive and negative, are being said about them. There are many reasons why you should switch to vaping. Hopefully, we can help you make an informed decision. Here is why vaping is safer than smoking.

Does Not Contain Harmful Chemicals Found in Cigarettes

Many people have successfully quit tobacco cigarettes with the help of e-cigarettes, and this is because vaping can suppress the urges of smoking since it contains nicotine. Nicotine in cigarettes creates a sense of dependency by the body, and without it, the body struggles to function correctly. E-liquid, which is used for vaping, only contains nicotine, flavouring, and water. It does not contain numerous toxic chemicals like carbon monoxide and tar, which are present in cigarettes. One of the more popular brands riot squad use mixologists to create a wide variety of flavors. With robust flavors you will never feel overpowered by the taste.

Emission From Vaping Do Not Affect Others

Smoking is prohibited in public and enclosed areas and people are allowed only to smoke from specific places. What makes smoking very dangerous is that it also affects those around the person smoking. Many people have fallen ill to diseases related to smoking because they were passive smokers.

You might be surprised to see someone vaping in a public area, but vaping is allowed since what is emitted from it is not harmful to bystanders. Though vaping is not prohibited, institutions are permitted to make some restrictions on vaping on their premises. You can now purchase different e cigarette mods from one of the many online retailers available.  

Can Help You Quit Smoking

As stated earlier, smoking is quite an addictive habit, and it is understandable for people trying to quit to fail. Vaping in recent years has proven to be more useful in helping many people quit compared to other nicotine replacement products like patches and gum. The fact that you can control the amount of nicotine you use is significant in aiding you to stop smoking. You can reduce the amount of nicotine gradually, and with time, your body will stop depending on nicotine for good. 


Despite vaping being safer than smoking, it is not entirely risk-free, and if you are thinking of using it to aid you in quitting smoking, it will be wise to inform your doctor. Though there might be some risks while vaping, e-cigarettes are still the safer alternative of smoking conventional cigarettes. Smoking is a dangerous habit, and the earlier you stop, the higher the chance you give your body to heal itself.

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