Best Way To Send Wedding Invitations

You are getting married soon and want to invite your friends to take part in this very special day in your life. You want to invite them in a unique way that is eye-catching and sweet. In this article, you will be getting familiar with various types of ways to send wedding invitations. 

Wedding cards

You can send a wedding invitation to your friends with popular wedding cards. This is the most popular ritual that you can still follow. There are various types of wedding cards that are available on the market. You can make different types of custom-made wedding cards for inviting your friends. They resemble a special day and makes your friends feel special too. You can send out the wedding card using the post office service. If you are living in Jamaica you can use the Jamaica post office to deliver the wedding invitation cards to all your friends and family. There are so many types of wedding cardsavailable. You can select a design for your wedding card and then get a graphics designer to make custom designs according to your choice for the wedding card. The wedding card can also have a unique design that is 3D design. You can write a personal message on the wedding card for sending out invitations. You can take help friends from your friends to write this personal message or hire content writers for doing this part. The wedding card can be one of the best ways to send an invitation to all your close friends and family. 

Email invitation

You can invite people through Email. It is convenient and easy. You can make a digital representation of the wedding card in an email and create a custom template for your wedding email invitation. The best feature is that you can send multiple invitations with a click. People would get the invitation instantly. Like wedding cards, you also can use a graphics designer to design a template that matches the theme of your wedding. You can send a personal message and invite your friends. Since it is an email you can attach a video with the email and record a warm invitation video where you and your partner can invite all the recipients of the mail. This adds a personal touch and makes the invitation very warm. You can also attach pictures of you and your spouse to make it more personal.

Creating an event on Social Media

You can create an event on social media and invite all of your friends there. Your friends will get instant notifications. It is so easy to create an event on Facebook and invite all the friends on your friend list for the event. You can do that and there is a feature by which you will know how many of your friends are planning on coming to your wedding. You can add pictures which can be the digital representation of a wedding card and invite your friends. Also, you can write posts where you can write personally inviting everyone to take part and be there on your special day. You can post the pictures of your wedding on the event to relive the memory. 

A wedding invitation can be sent in unique ways making the recipients feel special.

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