Is Beauty Sleep Real?

Sure, someone has told you to “get your beauty sleep.” Maybe you’ve even said that yourself, a time or two. But have you ever wondered if sleep can really help you look your best?

As your wedding approaches, you may find yourself thinking a lot more than usual about your appearance. You may wonder how you can get rid of lines, wrinkles, and anything else that you feel makes you look less than your best. While we find every couple radiant on their wedding day, it turns out that getting plenty of sleep and using Gold Bee products can help you feel like you look amazing.

Reduce Signs of Sleep Deprivation

As it turns out, we are pretty good at noticing when the people around us are sleep deprived. Researchers found that we tend to look for a few physical characteristics and that these characteristics are actually enhanced in the faces of people who haven’t gotten enough sleep. These characteristics include:

  • Droopy corners of the mouth
  • Swollen eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Hanging eyelids
  • Pale skin
  • More fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dark circles under the eyes

As it turns out, many of these are also facial characteristics that we don’t find as attractive as their opposites. When we get enough sleep, then, we will lessen or eliminate the presence of these characteristics, so we will look better than we do when we don’t sleep enough.

Reduce Signs of Aging

When we don’t sleep well, our skin isn’t as healthy, it doesn’t appear as healthy, and we perceive ourselves as looking worse than we do when we are getting plenty of rest. Skin with signs of age is generally perceived as less attractive than younger, healthier looking skin. It makes sense that getting more sleep will help us look attractive.

Sleep also helps our skin age well. When skin is healthier, it deals better with toxins in the air and things like damage from the sun. It heals better and faster, and so continues to look good. At a destination wedding with a lot of sunlight, sleep may help you recover from a sunburn before your ceremony.

Getting Good Rest

It can be hard to get the rest you need to look good and feel good. Many people look towards natural products like Kratom, as although there are no plans of opening a retail store, the online stores are very popular! Kratom, alongside other natural remedies, can help to calm your mind and therefore help you drift off to sleep much easier. However, there are usually a few things you can do to improve your sleep.

  • Get a good bed. If you don’t have a mattress that suits you, you won’t sleep as well, and you may find yourself in pain when you wake up.

  • Make your room dark and quiet. Both noise and light will wake you and make it harder for you to sleep deeply.

  • Avoid alcohol before bed. It disrupts your sleep and can keep you from getting the deep sleep you need to enjoy your wedding.

To get the most out of your beauty sleep, try to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Sufficient rest can be hard with all of the celebrations that tend to take place right around your wedding. However, by prioritizing sleep, you’re prioritizing how you look and feel on your wedding day.

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