4 Ways to Avoid Mistakes When Buying Wedding Rings

Wedding rings are meant to last a lifetime, which makes buying them a very important decision as well. Couples have to make this purchase together and should both be properly informed before they invest in these jewellery pieces.

Here are a number of ways to ensure that you avoid pitfalls when buying your wedding rings:

  1. Understand the 4Cs of Diamond Quality

When it comes to diamonds, bigger isn’t always better. In fact, when considering diamonds, the 4Cs of diamond quality are the standards used to assess the overall value of this precious stone. These four factors are cut, carat, clarity, and colour.

Cut – While we tend to think of the cut as the shape of the stone, this standard actually refers to the way the facets of a diamond interact with light. Ideally, a well cut stone absorbs and reflects light beautifully. The better the cut, the more sparkle the diamond will possess.

Clarity – The clarity refers to the inclusions and blemishes present in a diamond. Part of assessing the diamond’s clarity is through determining the size, number, relief, nature, and position of blemishes and inclusions, and how these affect the stone’s overall appearance. A diamond with lesser flaws receives a higher grade, and comes with a higher value.

Colour – Gem-quality diamonds are assessed based on the absence of colour, such that a higher value is assigned for stones that are totally colourless and lower ratings are given to those with a noticeable yellow hue. Coloured diamonds, on the other hand, are evaluated based on the intensity of their colours.

Carat Weight – The measurement of the weight of a diamond is called the carat weight. One metric “carat” is equal to 200 milligrams. All other factors being equal, the value of a diamond increases with carat weight, because larger diamonds are rarer and therefore more desirable.

And yet, while a big diamond might appear impressive, it may not be suitable or comfortable for day-to-day wear, which is our next consideration.

  1. Consider day-to-day wear.

Wedding rings are meant to be worn daily and for the rest of your life as a married couple. So make sure that you have the proper size of the rings. A loose or tight ring will mean you will not want to wear the jewellery piece again for fear that you might unknowingly lose it or because it’s too uncomfortable to wear. Don’t go for fancy ring styles or designs if your hands often get into contact with fabrics and rough materials as these can get snagged constantly or scratched easily. Instead, go for plain bands that have your names engraved on them.

  1. Consider your engagement ring.

For women who intend to wear their engagement rings after the wedding, they have to find a wedding ring or band that goes well with their other jewellery. Choose precious metals and gemstones that do not clash with each other. You can look for those wedding rings for women that are shaped to curve around the engagement ring. Avoid wearing multiple rings with different coloured stones on the same finger as this will appear garish and unfashionable.

  1. Make sure you do your research.

Don’t buy wedding rings until you have canvassed and compared all the pieces that you find interesting. While it may be tempting to get swept up in the excitement, stay calm and be well informed in your decision making.

In order to get the best possible deals, you also have to be careful in choosing credible jewellers. Consider customer service, refunds or return policies, hidden charges, and even fake diamonds.

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