7 Foods That Can Help Bloating Go Away

Feeling gassy and bloated? What have you eaten today? If you’re looking for a de-bloating diet, look no more. Here are 7 foods that can help bloating go away for good!

We all know the feeling… Although you work hard to get that head-turning bikini look and flat belly, for some reason you woke up this morning ‘ballooned up’. Whether the reason for your bloating is menstrual cycle or something you ate, the good news is there is a quick fix for it. You may wish to take a supplement to help with this – and there might even be a Unify Health Labs discount that you could use to save some money on your purchase – or you can eat detoxing food to help your body get back to functioning normally.  The following 7 foods should hold the front page of your de-bloating menu, nutritionists suggest.

Cayenne Pepper

Time to spice up your food! Adding a tangy dash of fiery spice can work miracles on your bloated stomach. So if you used to stay away from cayenne pepper, don’t be afraid to use it anymore. According to a lumitea post on the topic, capsaicin, which is the key compound of cayenne pepper, has the ability to reduce gas and bloating by boosting the flow of digestive enzymes in the intestinal tract. Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, wellness manager at Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute confirms it. Additionally, capsaicin kills the bad bacteria in the gut, which cause bloating.

You can toss cayenne pepper on your salads, in sauces and curries or to flavor up your tea (especially in winter when you also need a bit of ‘warm-up’ against the cold).


Used in traditional Chinese medicine as a cure for various ails, ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Hence, it can also work wonders on belly bloat. The zingibain, a digestive enzyme found in ginger supports protein breakdown, Tara Coleman, clinical nutritionist in San Diego, suggests. It’s no wonder that sushi is served with plenty of it. One of the best ways to enjoy ginger is by making a cup of tea. Drinking ginger tea before, during or after a meal stimulates saliva, bile and gastric juices that aid digestion, experts say. It also has a soothing effect on the intestines and reduces colon inflammation, which in turn helps the food to travel through the intestinal tract a lot easier and in turn, it reduces bloating and gas.

Fennel Seeds

Having a similar effect to ginger, fennel seeds can eliminate the bloat. Chewing on as little as half a teaspoon of these seeds will also freshen your breath. In Eastern India fennel seeds have been used as a remedy for bad breath for thousands of years. The hallmark compounds of this herb, anethole, fenchone, and estragole are known for their antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help relax the intestines and facilitate the dissipation of gas trapped in the stomach, Coleman says. You can enjoy fennel seeds either in a warm cup of tea (also recommended for breastfeeding women, as it stimulates milk production), or as a tasty ingredient in various dishes from dinner to dessert.


Rich in probiotics that stimulate digestion and help the gastrointestinal system absorb nutrients, yogurt can reduce the bloat. Instead of having a sugary treat after dinner, try mixing some fresh fruit like blueberries or grapefruit slices with non-fat yogurt. It only contains a fraction of the calories you would normally down with a cake and is packed with nutrients that will help relax your intestines and ‘deflate’ your tummy while you sleep. Ideally stay away from sugary, fruity versions and buy plain yogurt, Kirkpatrick recommends.

Lemons and Lemon Juice

The lemon detox water actually works! According to Coleman, lemon juice has an atomic composition similar to the stomach’s digestive juice, saliva and bile, which is why it can actually help relieve bloating and belching, which usually are associated with indigestion.  Digestive issues occur because of the digestive system’s inability to produce enough hydrochloric acid to properly break down the food we ingest, experts say, especially animal proteins, dairy, gluten, and complex carbohydrates. Sipping on lemon juice regularly actually speeds up the food’s journey through the intestinal tract. After all, what is more refreshing than a glass of fresh lemonade with a bit of honey (organic) and a dash of fresh mint leaves on top?  It’s a healthy and delicious refreshment choice on a hot summer afternoon!


Hesitating because of the smell? However, if you want to get rid of the bloat, it might be worth a try. Nutritionists suggest that while eating garlic alongside high sodium foods may cause bloating, consuming it alone it can help relieve gas and bloating. Garlic soup is a super easy go-to and it delivers the garlic directly to your gut more quickly. All you need to do is mince two to three cloves, sauté or roast them with olive oil on low heat. Then add low-sodium veggie broth and let it simmer for 10 minutes on low heat.

Watermelon and Cucumber

Who would’ve thought that such a sweet and satisfying fruit as water melon is so high in water? Yet, it contains more water than any other fruit – 90%. Did you know that the water content in water melon and cucumber is equivalent to that of a big glass of water? Yes, it’s true and nutrition experts confirm it! That is why eating watermelon and cucumber regularly increases your overall hydration levels and reduces bloating. Both cucumber and watermelon are natural diuretics, thus supporting your body cleanse and flush out the excess water and salt.

As a final word, here’s an idea for a delicious de-bloating, satisfying breakfast to get you through the day:

1 big glass of fat-free yogurt mixed with 2/3 cup of blueberries or blackberries and 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds.


Pour 8 ounces of fat-free yogurt into a blender with blueberries or blackberries (frozen or fresh). Blend together for 1-2 minutes.

Add the fennel seeds and mix again. Ready, enjoy!

Note: This is a delicious and satisfying de-bloating breakfast choice, packed with probiotics and antioxidants to kickstart your digestion, as well as vitamins and fiber to give you energy.

After all, you know what they say – you are what you eat. Now, let your taste guide you and combine these healthy foods in any way you like to make yourself a delicious, flat-belly meal!

Photo courtesy of www.huffingtonpost.com.

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