A Sleep Guide For Brides Before Their Wedding Day

If you’ve ever known a bride, you’ve known how stressful a wedding can be despite the fact that it is the happiest day of their life. Most of all, the night before the wedding is more stressful than anything else. And if you’re the one getting married tomorrow, wondering about the number of things that you think could go wrong (which are probably only just imaginations), you need to know that a tense bride will hardly be able to enjoy the wedding. To make sure that you don’t end up with your nerves in a twist when you’re standing at the end of the altar, here are a few tips that will help you get the right amount of sleep, allowing you to maintain a calm visage during the wedding!


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  • The Sleep Schedule

The big day is coming and you’ve got a lot of preparations to do. Since you’ve started planning for your wedding months prior, you’d usually forget to take care of your health. It is most important to ensure that your health is in check. Late nights and too much brainstorming will leave you exhausted and drained out, which won’t really yield good results. Maintain a proper sleep schedule. Sleep at the right time and you’ll be able to wake up early as well. Start the day early and all your plans will likely be managed by themselves, without you having to worry a lot.   

  • Tranquil Walks and Sunlight

When you do wake up early in the morning, try to take a short walk out in the sun, and soak up the warm rays to rejuvenate yourself. This particularly helps you to be energised and fresh throughout the day so you can not only handle your daily affairs but also be able to easily sail through all of your wedding preparations that would otherwise drive you crazy.

  • Relax the Mind

Take a power nap during the day so that you can wake up refreshed and continue working. Ask your fiancé to help you set a seven minute nap, after which the two of you can get together and discuss the planning. Don’t forget to take help of your fiancé, instead of taking up the entire burden upon yourself, trust your would-be husband to help you out. Share the responsibilities so that none of you are alone in what you do.

  • The Power of Exercise

Yoga and a good work out session in the morning will not only give you strength to function the entire day, but also continue to keep you relaxed and energised. Outdoor yoga especially helps for this purpose, and even so, you can ask your fiancé to accompany you, since it will only go on to strengthen your bond so that you can prepare for the happiest day of your life with as much vigour and zeal.

  • Beware of Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine will keep you up at night, and you’re likely to down cups and cups of coffee when you’re trying to work on your wedding. The big day might seem like a huge responsibility, which requires you to spend hours on it regardless of the time, but it is really not going to help your cause. A coffee a day is enough, but anything more than that will certainly prove less useful.  

  • Smartphone isn’t Smart

When you’re trying to sleep early, make sure that your phone isn’t constantly on. You don’t want alerts, emails or messages disturbing you when you’re trying to relax on your mattress topper. It is especially important for you to keep all your Smartphone addictions at bay when you’re taking care of your health and sleep. Hit the bed early and put your phone on airplane mode or just switch it off so you can have a sound sleep without any sort of disturbances.  

  • Shower and Refresh

Take a warm shower before you go to sleep. It helps in refreshing your skin so that you can have a glowing look on your wedding day. Your eyes need their rest, so the best way is to take a refreshing shower and go down for a nice slumber at night, which will certainly ensure that you remain revitalized the next day!

Once you’ve made sure that you have everything else covered, you’ll be easily able to manage yourself on the big day.

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