Prenatal Yoga for Brides-to-Be

Earlier this week we celebrated B.K.S. lyengar’s birthday with a yoga post for pregnant brides-to-be. After a few requests and emails asking if we had any other yoga sequences that may help loosen up the lower body we came across this workout from popsugar.

This yoga practice incorporates standing poses to strengthen your lower body while increasing the flexibility in your hips and hamstrings. Complete the entire 12-pose sequence on one side and repeat again on the other. Be sure to ease into the poses since the hormone relaxin softens your joints and gives your muscles more elasticity. This makes it easier for you to stretch deeper than you ever could, increasing your risk for tearing a muscle.

*Remember to talk to your doctor or midwife before starting any exercise program when pregnant.

Downward Facing Dog

Begin on your hands and feet in Downward Facing Dog. Relax your shoulders and lengthen your spine, staying here for five breaths.


Three-Legged Dog

Step both feet together, then lift your right leg as high as you can, coming into  Three-Legged Dog. Keep your shoulders parallel with the floor and take five deep breaths.


Warrior 3

Step your right foot forward between your palms, place your hands on your hips, and lift your back leg, coming into Warrior 3. Balance here for five breaths. If you have trouble balancing, try steadying yourself with one hand on the wall.


Revolved Warrior 1

Step your left foot back behind you, so your legs are in Warrior 1 position. Reach your right arm behind you and place it on your lower back or hold onto your left hamstring. Lift your left arm up, and gaze over your right shoulder for five deep breaths.


Warrior 2

Untwist your torso and face the other side of your mat. Open your arms in T-position, coming into Warrrior 2. Stay for five breaths, making sure your front knee is over your ankle.


Reverse Warrior

Gently arch back and lower your left hand down, resting it on the back of your left leg. Raise your right arm overhead, feeling the stretch through the right side of the body into Crescent Moon (Reverse Warrior). Make sure you continue to lower your hips, and press your front knee forward so it’s directly over your right ankle. Hold for five deep breaths.


Twisting Extended Side Angle

Lift your torso up and rest your right elbow on your right thigh, and your palm on your belly. Reach your left arm behind your lower back, and clasp your fingers around your inner thigh. Hold Twisting Extended Side Angle for five breaths.


Open Extended Triangle

Release your hands, lift your torso up, and straighten your right leg. Keep both legs straight as you reach your right hand straight out over your right leg, making your spine as long as you can. Depending on how flexible your hamstrings are, lower your right hand down and rest it on your right shin, on a block, or place your palm flat on the floor if you can. Extend your left arm straight over your ear. Hold Open Extended Triangle for five breaths.



Bend your right knee and bring your top arm to the floor. If your hips are flexible and you want a deeper stretch, lower down onto your forearms, holding Lizard pose for five deep breaths.


Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

If your elbows were on the floor, come back onto your hands. Shift your hips back, straighten your front leg, and do this kneeling hamstring stretch. If your hamstrings are super flexible, feel free to lower down into Split. Hold for five breaths.

Just a word of caution: the splits are an extreme move for your hips and pelvis; with the relaxin hormone softening the connective tissue all over your body, you want to be careful with such extreme poses.



Bend your right knee, coming into Pigeon. Keep your torso lifted or fold forward over your right leg. Stay like this, breathing for five deep breaths.


Wide Child’s Pose

Place your hands on the floor and step your right leg back. Place your knees on the floor, widen them to a comfortable distance, then fold forward, coming into a Wide Child’s Pose. After five breaths, tuck your toes, lift your hips up and come into Down Dog. Repeat this sequence on the left side.


Thanks so much to pop sugar for the photos and some content.

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