Guest Post: What Ordering Your Wedding Dress 2 Sizes Smaller Translates Into For Weight Loss

You’re among many brides who order their wedding dress 2 sizes smaller. For some, it’s motivation to lose weight before their wedding and for others it’s the end goal if they’re already losing weight.

Most women don’t even know what that translates to in terms of weight loss. So what do you do now?



Don’t freak out. Even if you don’t have much time left until the wedding and your dress still doesn’t fit. All it takes is a little planning…and a little sweat equity. Besides, stressing out will actually hinder your weight loss efforts…so, do your “ohhmmms” and your “woosaaahhhhs”.


If you want to get into your smaller sized dress, you’ll have to lose approximately 2-3 inches in your bust, 2-3 inches in your waist and 2-3 inches from your hips for size 12 and lower.

If your wedding dress is size 14 and higher, you’ll have to lose approximately 3-5 inches in each area (bust, waist and hips).

Everyone has different measurements. The best thing you can do is ask for the sizing chart from the wedding store and you’ll know how many inches you’ll have to drop in order to fit your dress. Use your chart as your guide. Maybe it’s just your hips you’ll need to shed or it’s all 3 areas. It also depends on your wedding dress style. It really doesn’t matter what your size # is, it matters what the inches are.


This is a little tricky because everyone is different. For weight loss I would say 10-20 lbs depending on where you are carrying it. For ladies in the plus sizes it’ll be more along the lines of 20-30 lbs. This is only approximate. It also depends on where the weight loss comes off. Some lose in their butt first, some their chest and some it’s even loss all over. Focus more on inches since that’s what will count when you slip into the dress…not the number.


A healthy rule of thumb is 2 lbs/week which is 8 lbs in 1 month.

So in 1 month – 8 lbs

2 months- 16 lbs

3 months – 24 lbs

4 months – 32 lbs

5 months – 40 lbs

6 months – 48 lbs


Now for the planning. Be realistic in what you can do. If you have 2 months or less before your wedding, you’ll most likely have to kick things up a notch or two. Which means being consistent in your eating and exercising no matter what.

Your goal is to aim for your 1st fitting NOT your wedding date

Plan out the days you are exercising each week and what you’ll be doing. Get your butt moving.

Eating is just as important as exercising. Eat healthy. Cut all the crap out of your diet…better yet, yank them out of your fridge and cupboards. You know what they are. If you have to ask, you know what the answer is. Don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment.


Periodically check yourself. Use a measuring tape and see how you are progressing.

If you don’t have your dress with you and are waiting for it to come in, choose a pair of jeans that are tight on you (or a dress). Check to see if it’s getting easier to get into and fits better.


It’s harder to let out a dress than to take it in. Most dresses will only go 1 size out. Plan your fittings with a decent amount of time before the wedding so you can see where you’re at and how much more you have to go. You’ll most likely have 2 fittings at least.

If you have a corseted back on your wedding dress, it will be a little easier to adjust if you haven’t lose the inches you wanted to.


If you don’t lose the weight you risk having to buy another wedding dress…and that just plain sucks.

You also risk having back fat and let’s face it nobody wants a bum on their upper back (that’s a whole other story for another time).

You made the commitment to get a smaller wedding dress….make the commitment to fit it. You can do this!


  • Ask your fiance to help you, better yet, get his butt off the couch and ask him to workout with you.
  • Hire someone to help you, especially if you need a kick in the pants to get started.
  • Get rid of crap food in your house
  • Exercise at least 3x per week.
  • Use a picture for motivation.

Linda Miller – is the creator of Fit FairyTale Bride. She helps brides-to-be look and feel amazing in their wedding dress by helping them get in shape, feel confident and sexy and be the best version of themselves in the utmost healthy way. Like a fit fairy godmother, she guides her brides on their journey and helps them love their reflection in the mirror. Linda has lost 47 lbs herself for her own journey to the wedding aisle. Her background is in nutrition &  fitness  and she is on a mission to help brides feel and look amazing in the most important dress they’ll ever wear.

Be sure to download her FREE 33 page “Wow Him In Your Wedding Dress: Flabby to Fabulous Guide”

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