Guest Post: How to Match Your Wedding Day Outfit with Your Wedding Ring

You want to choose the perfect wedding ring and dress, but make sure you look at how these elements work together! Your ring and gown need to complement each other to that they don’t clash or create the feeling that something just isn’t right with your look. Here are tips for stunning synchronicity.

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Consider the Style

You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about the type of wedding dress you’re going to wear on your special day. Your dress is a great base for choosing a ring design. Is your dress vintage? Is it modern and sleek? Such questions will help you ensure that the ring complements its style. If you are wearing a dress with crystal beadwork on it, for example, you could choose silver or platinum jewellery to match it beautifully. On the other hand, a decorative wedding band will look amazing when worn with a vintage dress.

Or, perhaps you’ve already chosen the right ring and now want to choose a dress based on it. This is also a good strategy. For example, a classic gown with lace detail would look great with your simple yet sparkling wedding band that conveys an air of sophistication. On the other hand, a boho chic gown would look amiss with a ring that is too classic; it will look better when matched with a garland band, for instance.

No matter if the ring or dress came first, you need to consider both as a team to create the bridal image you are after.

Match Colors

The hue of your dress should also match your wedding ring. Even if you are wearing white, there are different shades of it that influence your bridal jewellery!

  • Yellow gold rings look best when worn with dim shades of white, such as ivory, or whites that have a pastel yellow hue to them. This is because the off-white colors work beautifully against gold metal.
  • If you have a bright white gown, wearing a ring that has silver or platinum complements the luminous look. Pearls and rose gold, the latter being a big ring trend this year, can also feature in your bridal jewellery as these add a warm glow to your look.


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Choose a Statement Piece

It can be tempting to want to wear lots of jewellery on your big day: earrings, your wedding ring, a necklace, a bracelet and more! But this can make your look messy. That’s why it’s a good idea to force yourself to focus on choosing one statement piece (besides for your ring). It can be a pair of long earrings, a large necklace, or a cuff on your arm, for instance. Less is much more effective!

Look at the Cut

The cut of your gown plays an important part when choosing bridal jewellery, including statement pieces. If you are wearing a gown with a neckline or shoulder detail, such as an asymmetrical one-shoulder dress, you don’t need to wear a necklace as this will clash with the dress. You could opt for earrings instead. If you have a v-neckline, on the other hand, a pendant or large necklace can be great. Wearing hair accessories, such as pearls in your hair or headpieces, work well with halter-neck gowns as they draw attention upwards.

Play Dress Up

If you are changing your dress halfway into your wedding, such as after your ceremony and before your reception, don’t be afraid to change some (or all) of your jewellery too!  Switching your jewelry can also be considered if you don’t change your dress. For instance, if you feel some jewelry pieces are too loud for a traditional church service but more suitable for the reception.  In this way, you get to enjoy your different jewelry pieces that have a special place in your heart while still working with your style choices for the day.

Knowing how to match your wedding ring to your dress and other accessories keeps your bridal look fresh, sophisticated and memorable.

Naomi Janelle Shaw is a beautician, web-journalist, and mother.

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