Affordable Jewelry Options for Weddings!


Once you begin the journey of looking for engagement rings it’s time to think about how much to spend. Some experts say your groom-to-be should spend 3 months salary on your sparkler while others say there is no limit now a days. Let’s be a little more realistic. You shouldn’t go into debt trying to buy an engagement ring. If three months salary is pushing it you should check out other alternatives.

First you need to think about the style of engagement ring you like. Whether its a Halo, Princess, Classic or Round cut diamond there are a ton of styles to choose from and finding the one that matches your bride-to-be’s style is important. Once you’ve figured the style then you need her size because you don’t want to propose with a ring that doesn’t fit!

Do your research and decide what’s important to you. Size or the “4Cs” of diamond grading. Let’s hope you decide the “4Cs” of diamond grading are more important because your bride-to-be deserves a beautiful ring regardless of how big it is. Now the search can begin!

Natalie K. has numerous collections and a variety of options for every price range. Their designer brand is carried across the U.S. and the world at trusted and expert jewelry stores. All you need to do is visit their website and find a store near you. I personally love this Natalie K for Forevermark™ engagement ring (pictured below) which is a truly unforgettable piece.


Cornet has inexpensive yet brilliant designs that shine brighter than a standard one carat for a fraction of the price! They are perfect for any and all occasions. I’m in love with this Eos Engagement Ring.


Once you’ve proposed then you can start shopping for wedding day jewelry. The perfect addition to any diamond ring is Diamond Stud Earrings! hand-selects diamonds with a huge variety of choices. They are able to cut back on traditional overheads that drive up prices while still reaching a huge number of people! They have a very simple three-step buying process that allows you to customize your studs according to diamonds, precious metals, and settings.

1. Pick a shape, 2. Pick a setting, 3. Pick a size and quality… And they’re yours. It’s that easy and you MUST check them out!

Happy Shopping!

Photo courtesy of Natalie K.

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