Capitalize On Wedding Expenses During Black Friday


No date on the calendar matches the economic output of Black Friday, the day immediately following Thanksgiving, when retailers across the nation offer drastically lowered prices in the hopes of attracting shoppers to their aisles. Economic analysts, ShopperTrak, report that holiday sales in 2013 will account for some 20 percent of a company’s annual revenue, with an increase of about 2.4 percent in sales compared to 2012. To a bride, fiancée, or soon-to-be engaged shopper, Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales represent more than just a deal on blenders and shoes. How can you capitalize on your wedding spending with Black Friday deals?

The Main Event

For some couples planning a wedding, the largest expenditure on the list may not be the location, DJ or hotel services but the gown itself. TheKnot surveys 20,000 couples each year to determine what an average wedding costs and reported that for 2013 weddings, a typical bridal gown cost just over $1,200. It’s not just the big retailers that move large amounts of inventory on Black Friday and Cyber Monday — bridal companies put new stock on their shelves and slash the costs of their current gowns in order to make sales. Sign up for newsletters from bridal companies to get direct info on their holiday promotions direct to your email inbox.


The small items on a wedding planner’s checklist can be the most frustrating to get, especially when it comes down to the wire. During your wedding, who will provide your guests with everything from champagne flutes for the toast to candles on the tables and the wedding invitations themselves? Brides can purchase all-in-one packages from event planners and caterers, but they come at a premium. ThumbTack reports that of their 18,000 professional contacts who list hourly rates on their platform, bridal services like photography and party planners enjoy a wedding premium that jumps between 20 and 40 percent. Whenever you can cut down on expenses by buying items ahead of time during Black Friday, even simple picture frames, you give yourself more money for bigger expenses (including the honeymoon).

Go Mobile On Cyber Monday

Black Friday spending gives shoppers who prefer to go out and about great deals. For those who abhor the crowds and 6 a.m. start time, Cyber Monday lets you do most (or all) of your shopping in your pajamas. Digital shopping has become the norm rather than the exception for many companies who realize the vast potential of one-click shopping. USamp Research notes that between 35 and 45 percent of shoppers use their mobile phones to make purchases and use e-coupons. Companies have taken notice, and mobile apps allow bride-centric shopping fests to take place on Cyber Monday without needing to fight traffic. Download the apps available at large retailers like Macy’s in order to commence bridal shopping on everything from shoes to picture frames. You can take your smartphone with you on Black Friday, furthermore, to scan barcodes and use digital coupons in order to maximize your spending potential.

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