After Six Tuxedos

Before the bride walks down the aisle all eyes are on the groom. As he awaits his bride he will feel confident and comfortable in Dessy’s After Six Tuxedo. The Paragon tuxedo {above right photo} is a modern classic, and is ideal for any formal occasion. Fabricated in extra fine merino wool, it features two-button styling, notch lapels, and unique piping with a signature bow tie motif.

Retailing for $395, the Paragon is handsomely complemented by After Six’s Formal Accessories including ties, pocket squares, vests and more. Accessories come in the bow tie pattern in tones of aubergine, platinum or sapphire, as well as a range of solid colors matching bridesmaid dresses by the Dessy Group. Shop the entire tuxedo look or browse through Dessy’s complete collection of Men’s formal wear.

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