Tina Mak Wedding Gowns

I read somewhere recently that one out of every 10 brides is expecting, if that’s the case then why is there such a lack of maternity bridal gowns? Expectant brides are just like every other bride out there looking for the perfect gown.

So, today I bring good news to all my expectant brides out there! If you have already checked out David’s Bridal and Terra Amore’s Maternity Bride and are still searching for the perfect dress make sure you check out Tina Mak Weddings! Tina’s maternity wedding dresses are breathtakingly beautiful. This Canadian designer has created silk gowns that are both comfortable and fashionable, and are reasonably priced between $890 and $1,700.

Not only are there are accessories like shrugs, sashes, and hair accessories to personalize your look, but if you’re not pregnant, the dresses would totally look spot-on at an outdoor wedding. Make sure you head on over to Tina Mak’s website and check out her full collection.

Photos courtesy of Tina Mak.

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