Vendor Spotlight: My Big Day Planner

Company Name: My Big Day Planner

Name: Tawsha Connell

Location: Colorado

Tell us a little about what you do. I am the owner of My Big Day Planner which is also the name of my wedding organizer created by brides for brides. Along with the wedding organizer, my business partner and I have come up with an event called the Wedding Preview Event. This bridal “show” is a production featuring the very best professionals in Colorado. There will be wedding demonstrations, lunch, dessert, champagne, workshops and one on one meeting time.

How long have you been in business? My Big Day Planner has been an official business for a year. However; The research for this business and creation of the book was a seven year process.

What inspired you to start your business/studio? Is it horrible to say that I inspired myself to start this business? I was a lunatic when planning my wedding. I wanted everything just right and it wasn’t happening. I refused to hire a planner because I thought I could do it all on my own. I nearly went crazy. On my wedding day, my brain wouldn’t stop focusing on the next thing and I didn’t give myself an opportunity to enjoy this once in a lifetime occasion. As the doors opened for me to walk down the aisle, I wondered if everyone knew how to get to the reception spot. That was it. On my Hawaiian vacation, I vowed (no pun intended) to help future brides avoid this mistake. Whether or not you hire a planner, organization is the key to calm. My Big Day Planner will keep you organized, on top of your planning and ready for the next step. How? It was created by brides who have all experienced the same thing.

What is your favorite thing about your business/studio? My favorite thing about My Big Day Planner is that I am confident in what I’m promoting. I believe in this book so much because I know that so many people left their personal touch in order to help other brides. That’s really special. It’s like creating a bridal community. Providing a book that allows brides to actually jot down their dreams; some for the first time, is so exciting to me!

Was there a defining moment when you knew you picked the right career path? There wasn’t a defining moment; really, it was more a defining feeling. Once other professionals who I respect very much started believing in my business as much as I do, the turning point had been reached. There are such incredible people in the wedding industry and I feel right at home. It’s just a good fit.

When you built your business what style would you say you built it around? (i.e. classic, modern, vintage) Is “stress” an option?

When working with people how do you help bring the vision for the event to life? That’s the cool part about my job. I get to hear (and see) brides at the very beginning. They start with My Big Day Planner and lay it all out there. I see their hopes for their big day, some color suggestions, their flyers and pamphlets they’ve collected, business cards, etc. It’s fun. Once the wedding day draws near, everything comes together. In the months (sometimes year) that the brides have been planning, the pages have been filling up. A couple of weeks prior to the wedding, she can take the pages she needs for her big day and combine them into a mini-planner so she’s able to enjoy her time while someone else carries out her plans. It’s like magic.

Where do you go for inspiration? (i.e. blogs, magazines) Other brides. Always other brides. Nobody knows the stress of planning a wedding than the brides who have been through it.

Is there anything else you want people to know about you and your business/studio? There’s so much more to come. I love feedback . I enjoy coming up with ideas of how things can go together or what kind of unique product we can do next. Remember My Big Day Planner because this is only the beginning.

**The Wedding Preview Event is this Sunday, March 21 in Denver. Make sure you check out My Big Day Planner’s website and blog for more information.

Photo courtesy of My Big Day Planner.

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