7 Health Tips for the Bride and Beyond

Preparing for the wedding can be hectic but this should not cause you to neglect your health.  Many times the emphasis we see is on weight loss, however, you should put emphasis on overall health that can be sustained even after the wedding.  Fad diets may get you to fit into the dress, but once you come off it you are likely to gain more weight.  It is therefore important that you look into sustainable health practices. Here are some great tips that will not only get you into the wedding dress, but will keep you beautiful through the years:

  1. Kill the fad diet – This is one of the most tempting things to do, but unfortunately a fad diet only leaves you in a worse condition than you were in originally.  You tend to lose muscle, which you need to live healthy and feel energetic, and water too.  When the diet is over, you go back to your original weight or become even heavier.  Avoid the fad diet.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast – Breakfast is your opportunity to eat like a king, but most people tend to skip the meal altogether.  When you do your metabolism slows down and your body does not burn fat.  Eat a good, wholesome breakfast and start your day right.
  3. Work out – Moving your body is one of the best ways to stay healthy and strong into your old age.  Establish the habit now and let it include cardio and light weights.  Not only will you drop the pounds, you will also tone your body and build more muscle which tends to burn more calories even when at rest.  
  4. Sleep – Sleep helps you lose weight.  True story! The hormone ghrelin causes hunger and when you have not had enough sleep it is produced in greater amounts, which means that you feel hungrier and eat more.  
  5. Eat healthy – This cannot be overemphasized.  What you eat shows up in many different ways and many times in your latter years.  Chronic diseases are connected to the lifestyles we live.  Be sure to eat a healthy diet so that you can enjoy life even to your old age with CTcarehomehealth – Agency.
  6. Water – Water is life and you should drink plenty of it on a daily basis.  By staying hydrated you will be taking good care of your body, your mind, your skin and so much more.  Did you know that sometimes your need for water is interpreted as hunger? This means that dehydration can even cause you to eat more.  As you prepare for your wedding drink lots of water for the very best in bridal health.
  7. Set a health goal – This is something that you should do as the seasons of your life change.  If you want to lose weight know how much weight you need to lose and by when.  If you want to get more active, plan activities and follow through.  Your goals should always be written down so that you can look at them and make the necessary adjustments as needed.

Photo courtesy of Ezwed.


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