Real Engagement: Laura & Jimmy

From the photographer:

It was New Year’s Eve night and everyone was in on Jimmy’s plan…except for Laura. He had the custom-made ring burning a hole through his pocket as he thought and looked for the most opportune moment to follow through. As everyone gathered around anticipating the fireworks, Jimmy found the ideal spot for the occasion.

Their friends and those closest to Laura and Jimmy looked ahead but out of the corner of their eyes they were also waiting. In fact, everyone was waiting but Laura. She settled into Jimmy looking ahead as the fireworks began to fill the sky with light and color.

It was in that moment that  he turned to her and kneeled to propose; Laura was speechless…until she let out a “Whaatt?!!”icon smile New Orleans Engagements: Laura + Jimmy    Finding that One And then, a ‘YES!’

Spending the day with Laura and Jimmy was perfect; they are SO laid back. With the weather being less than ideal, we made a plan to start at an indoor location, the well-known Ralph’s across from City Park and we would play it by ear. We made it through the clouds and rain, dried off, and shoot a bit inside before we made the decision to shoot the rest of the session outdoors…in the rain. It was such a fun afternoon and really showed me the specialness of these two.

As I photographed them the word ‘comfortable’ kept coming into my head. Because they are such a perfect representation of finding that one…the person that you can completely be yourself with.

Catherine Guidry is based in Louisiana. You can check out more of her work by visiting her website and blog.

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