How to Save on Wedding Expenses as Much as Possible

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The wedding industry is worth over $20 billion globally each year, mostly because it is something of an overcharged business. However, you can save on wedding expenses by doing some things yourself and even recoup some of your losses. Here are some savvy tips.

Hire the Right People

Hiring the right people is vital when it comes to getting married. And this means more money in your budget. However, you will save money when something is done right, as opposed to rectifying mistakes when it is done wrong. For example, catering for wedding receptions is a very hard thing to do and requires experience and skill. Some services may take your money and deliver a terrible service that ruins your day and ends up with money down the drain.

Save on Wedding Expenses with DIY Invitations

There are many things you can do yourself when it comes to your wedding. And although invitations aren’t the most expensive things to buy, they can add up. And you can design these as you like when done yourself. Additionally, you reduce the associated costs of wedding invites, such as printing and assembly. This could be a big task, so it can also help to get the kids involved, and you can also save on stamps by asking friends and family to pass them out.

Book the Venue Out of Season

Believe it or not, weddings are seasonal, and the season you choose can have a major impact on the cost of the venue, dresses, and even catering. So you can save money by booking your wedding out of season. Typically, May to October is the busiest season for weddings and the most expensive. You can save by booking a later fall, winter, or early spring wedding instead. Of course, these are colder, but you don’t have to be outdoors at all if you don’t wish to be.

Use Your Hobby Skills Wisely

You can save a ton of money by putting your skills to good use for your own wedding. If you are handy in at least one of the following, you can save money. So, give consider these hobbies:

  • Dressmaking and sewing can save on a new dress or making alterations to a used one.
  • You will save a lot of money if you are reasonably handy at baking cakes.
  • Wedding photos are expensive, but you can cut the cost if you are a keen shutterbug.
  • Any interior design skills will come in handy when designing the venue decor.
  • Bringing your own music equipment and playlists saves on entertainment costs.

Using any of your hobbies can help lower the overall costs of your wedding. And if you are skilled in multiple things, you have various ways of bringing down the cost even more.

You Don’t Need Diamonds

Diamonds are a traditional wedding stone for engagement and are placed inside wedding bands. But they are, of course, very expensive, and not everyone likes diamonds. There are hundreds of other precious stones you can use that look stunning in wedding rings. For example, moissanite, white sapphires, and even lab-grown diamonds are very popular these days because they look gorgeous, but they are also much more sustainable as well.

Save on Wedding Expenses by Asking for Money

A wedding is expensive and will cost you a reasonable amount, even on a budget. But it is possible to recoup some money simply by asking for it. Instead of registering for gifts, why not ask your guests for a donation, and put out a wedding donation box. This can be completely anonymous and optional so guests don’t feel pressured. But it can be a very helpful and useful way to regain some of the expenses of your wedding, such as the venue, food, and drinks.

Use a Family Wedding Dress

You have many options when it comes to your dress. It can be a great experience to spend a day with your closest friends and family picking out a new wedding dress. But there is also a beautiful tradition of handing down dresses from mother to daughter or sister to sister. This will save you a lot of money and carry on a grand family tradition. Of course, you can ask for permission to have the dress altered, and your groom can also consider renting his tuxedo.


To save on wedding expenses, there are a few things you can try. It always helps to hire reputable services that won’t ruin your day. Yet you can also use any hobbies for DIY wedding stuff like photography. And, of course, a passed-down wedding dress is a beautiful thing.

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