How To Find Out Your Partner’s Engagement Ring Size

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Are you planning on proposing? You may already have the proposal mapped out. How you’ll make it romantic and creative. But there is, of course, one small and significant hurdle that you’ll need to leap on the way; what is your partner’s ring size?

The challenge is how can you find out their ring size without letting the cat out of the bag about the proposal? Before you rush out to engagejeweler, you’ll need to find out your partner’s ring size. 

Luckily, you’re not the first person to be in this situation so there are many cunning ways of finding out your partner’s ring size ahead of a proposal. 

Here’s how you can find out your partner’s ring size without arousing suspicion. 

Ask Them Directly 

One of the least creative ways of finding out your partner’s ring size is to ask them directly. The cunning part is how to ask what size their finger is without drawing attention. 

Try subtly dropping the question about their ring size into a conversation. Stay natural. You could ask if they have ever had their ring finger measured. It is possible that they’ve been to a jeweler to have their finger measured previously.

Get a Friend to Ask 

Enlist one of your partner’s friends to help. Get them to find out in a subtle way. They may be able to ask directly, or they could try on rings together on a shopping trip. 

Draw Around Her Hand

It is possible that a jeweler could get an idea of how big a ring you need from a drawing of your partner’s hand. 

Pretend that you’re enjoying some creative time together and draw around each other’s hands. Then take the drawing to the jeweler. It may not be the most accurate way, but it might be enough to go on. 

Use a Piece of String 

Wait until your partner is asleep. Take a piece of string or cotton and wrap it around her ring finger. Then, mark the circumference of your partner’s finger onto the string and measure it. 

Take the measurement or the piece of string with you to the jeweler. 

Use a Ring Sizer

Many jewelers offer ring sizers for free. You should order one and once you get it, measure your partner’s finger while they sleep. This will provide the most accurate result. 

Hopefully they are a deep sleeper. 

Borrow a Ring From Her Jewelry Box

If you know that your partner has a ring which fits on the ring finger, then you should try to borrow it. 

Find a way of getting into the jewelry box without being detected. If you live together, this should be far easy. If you don’t, try and borrow it when you know they are going to be out of town for a couple of days. 

Just make sure that you get the ring back to its home before anyone is any the wiser. 

Buy a Ring You Know is Too Large

If you can’t find out the right ring size, you could always just buy a ring that is bigger than you think that you will need. 

If you get a ring that doesn’t quite fit, you can always take it to the jeweler and have them resize the ring. Getting a ring that is too big will make it easier to resize than one that is too small. 

After you propose, do ensure that your new fiancee knows that the ring is due to be resized. Your partner may be keen to show off the ring to their friends and family. Showing off a new engagement ring is an important part of getting engaged. You may need to allow your fiancee to hold onto the ring for a few days or get it resized as quickly as possible. 

Now It’s Time to Ask the Question

Getting the right size engagement ring is essential. If you buy completely the wrong size then it could end up being costly and it could ruin the whole proposal experience for both of you. Following these tips will help you to find the right-sized ring. 

Now that you know how to find out your partner’s engagement ring size, it is time for you to go out and find the perfect ring and plan exactly how you will pop the question

A proposal should be a once in a lifetime moment, make sure you spend plenty of time planning it so that it is perfect.

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